Sightseeing in the area

Belintash Rock Sanctuary

The rock formation was used by the ancient Thracians 7000 years ago and it was the largest sanctuary of the god Sabazius. 

There are altars of different shapes and sizes all over the plateau, where ancient priests used to predict the future according to the height of the flames.

The water sterns of Belintash are carved on the plateau and are present even on the hottest days of the year.

Nature’s energy affects the compass arrows in the area of the rock plateau and during the winter the snow melts as soon as it touches the rock.

Haydut Kaya Rock Sanctuary

The "Haidut Kaya" peak is a rocky plateau, surrounded by sheer cliffs. It is accessible via an old road coming from the north-east.  Rock pits and fragments of Thracian pottery have been documented at the southern part of the plateau, which is the highest point of the summit.

Haydut Kaya is located in a separate subsection and Belintash sanctuary was most likely its cult centre. 

Yin Kaya Rock Sanctuary 

The sanctuary was registered during a tour in the area of the Sinyata skala (Yin Kaya), it’s  about 6 m high rock massif, at the top of it you could see four rock pits with a circular shape (each about 0.30 m in diameter).

Karadjov stone 

The rock sanctuary is formed by two high rocks and the actual Karadjov stone seems to be stuck in the middle.

The legend behind the name of the stone says that the small cave under the formation has served as a hiding place for Karadja Voivode, who was from the village of Yavorovo. The entire surrounding area  was held in special esteem by inhabitants from all different religions and cultures.

Karadjov stone is above all an impressive rock phenomenon surrounded by the beautiful nature of the Kormisosh reserve.

Krastova gora (Cross forest)

According to myths and legends, this is one of Bulgaria’s energy centers, where the Lord descends to the people. It happens once a year, when the Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Cross.

People flock to Krastov vrah, the area is named after it, to increase their strength and faith in the future.

According to geologists, the undeniable healing effect of the area is due to the gamma rays coming from the uranium deposits within the Rhodope Mountains.

Borovsko Gradishte, Borovo village (Borovsko settlement) 

Archaeologists claim that due to the remains of defensive walls, the site was used by the Thracians as a fortress.

The only possible way of access is from the northeast of the site, where the summit and the main massif link together via a narrow saddle.

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