Children and students got to know the species diversity at the Kormisos State Game Farm

Kindergarten children and schoolchildren from Smolyan, Devin, Laki and Shiroka Laka visited Bazi for intensive management of game on the territory of Kormisos DLS. The event was organized by the South Central State Enterprise in Smolyan and the State Hunting Farm Kormisosh, and the idea was for the children to get to know the rich game diversity in the hunting farm and the care given to the animals.
The participants in the initiative were welcomed by the deputy director of the UTCDP, Eng. Asen Karabov, and by Eng. Kostadin Radkov, director of DLS Kormisosh.

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Engineer Vasil Rekov, deputy director of hunting in the state hunting farm, told about the Bases for intensive management of game in the hunting farm, about the animals that inhabit it and their care.
The territory of DLS Kormisos is inhabited by the largest number of representatives of the wild animal world – fallow deer, red deer, roe deer, chamois, mouflon, wild boar, grouse, wolf, bear, fox, squirrel, rabbit, squirrel. A few months ago, representatives of the Alpine ibex were also resettled here.

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In the farms, game fields are maintained, planted with earth apple, potatoes, beets, oats, so that the animals can feed on them during the winter days. Feeders have been built, which are regularly stocked by game wardens with alfalfa. Along with this, the animals are also fed with concentrated fodder. Emphasis is placed on the maintenance of salt pans, which provide the necessary minerals for the proper nutrition of game, as well as calisthenics, for deworming. After getting acquainted with the information, participants had the opportunity to observe the feeding and beautiful animals in their natural environment, near the food complexes and in the jackala.

The children visited the Karamush Hunting Residence, which for decades housed state leaders and prominent public figures. After a brief account of its history, the event participants viewed the rich trophy collection in the Hunting Residence, which houses a world record wild boar trophy valued at 158.20 CIC points. Besides him, the collection could also see trophies of red deer, wild boar, chamois, mouflon and wolf, etc.

Along with the impressions and curious facts they learned about the representatives of the wild animal world, the children had the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful nature in the area of the Kormisosh National Park.

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